Study Guides 19-20

Africa Study Guide

Directions: Use your notes, worksheets, and textbook to help you complete the study guide

  1. What physical feature of Africa separated it into two distinct regions?
  • Sahara Desert
  1. Why would people settle in the savanna of Africa.?
  • There are many rivers in the savanna
  1. What river did the West African kingdoms grow along?
  • Niger River
  1. What can we classify Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as? Which is the oldest?
  • Monotheistic religions
  • Judaism is the oldest
  1. The spread of religions (such as the spread of Islam through Africa) would be classified as what kind of diffusion?
  • Cultural diffusion
  1. Why were camels used to transport goods across the desert?
  • Camels are more reliable and safer than other options
  1. What was Timbuktu? What was it the center of?
  • Capital of the Mali empire
  • Center of education and culture (islam)
  • Center of trade
  1. What religion did Mansa Musa follow?
  • Islam
  1. What is significant about Mansa Musa’s hajj to Mecca?
  • It helped put Mali (Africa) on the map
  • Mansa Musa brings back Islamic culture to Mali
  1. How would the locations of Mali and Ghana influence their growth?
  • They were located between salt and gold mines. They controlled the trade routes and could tax caravans coming through
  1. What goods were traded across the Sahara? What was this trade route called?
  • Salt and gold
  • Trans-Saharan Trade Route
  1. What items would be useful to bring while trading across the Sahara?
  • Mercury necklace
  • Materials to start a fire
  • Qu’ran
  • Head covering
  1. Why was salt so valuable to the people of Africa?
  • Flavoring for food
  • Helped preserve food
  • Helped replace salt that was lost through sweating
  1. What problems can arise from having all your history being told through oral tradition?
  • Things can be forgotten
  • Lies or exaggeration
  1. The stories of Anansi the spider would be considered what kind of stories?
  • Trickster Tales
  1. What is a proverb?
  • A short saying that contains advice or wisdom
  1. What is Ibn Battuta known for?
  • His travels
  1. After Mansa Musa died he was succeed by his son. By doing so what type of reign had been established?
  • Dynasty

Ancient and Medieval China Study Guide Name: ANSWERs

Directions: Using your notes answer the following questions.

  1. Study your vocab words! Choose the top 3 words you have the most trouble with and write them here with their definitions.
  2. Describe the geography of China and its impacts on the people there.
  • Mountains and deserts isolated the people and made travel difficult
  • Rivers (Yangtze and Huang He) flooded and left behind rich soil and could be destructive 3.

3. What were Oracle Bones used for?

  • They were used to predict the future. Write a yes or no question, heat it, and interpret the cracks.

4. Describe the Mandate of Heaven.

  • The divine right to rule

5. Describe the following philosophies

    1. Confucianism: Based on the teachings of Confucius. Taught to build relationships and respect on another. Emphasis on education and knowledge. If you had a talent for government you should be able to participate (led to the civil service exams). Promotes peace
    2. Daoism: Teaches people to be one with nature, follow Dao. Yin and Yang (represents balance in life), give up worldly desires, meditation
    3. Legalism: teaches that people are naturally evil and need harsh laws and punishments to maintain order

6. Why did people turn to Confucianism during the Warring States Period?

  • Promoted peace and restored order

7. Who is credited with beginning construction of the Great Wall of China and unifying China?

  • Qin Shi Huangdi

8. Why was the Great Wall of China built?

  • To prevent invasions from the north

9. Emperor Shihuangdi’s tomb is surrounded by thousands of terracotta soldiers. What does this tell you about his belief in the afterlife?

  • He believed in preparing for the afterlife

10. What was the Silk Road?

  • A network of ancient trading routes connecting east asia to the Mediterranean

11. What was traded along the Silk Road?

  • Spice, silk, metals, art, customs, ideas, religions, diseases

12. The Silk Road is the first example of what?

  • Globalization
  • Cultural exchange

13. Temujin was given the name Genghis Khan when he became the ruler of the Mongols.

14. How did Genghis Khan promote people in his army?

  • Based on skill and merit

15. What were the people in his army known for and what was their weapon of choice?

  • They were known for being brutal, their speed, and their ability to ride horses.
  • Bow and arrow was their weapon of choice (archery)

16. Which dynasty did Kublai Khan start in China?

  • Yuan Dynasty

17. Which Italian merchant was in the service of Kublai Khan for about 20 years?

  • Marco Polo

18. Which disease are the Mongols probably responsible for spreading to Europe?

  • The Black Death

19. Who led a rebellion to end the Yuan Dynasty? What was the name of this dynasty?

  • Hong Wu
  • Ming Dynasty

20. What did Zheng He do to help put China on the map as a major trading power?

  • He went on several expeditions through the Indian Ocean with his fleet of ships. (During the Ming Dynasty)

21. After Zheng He and Yongle died, the Chinese burned their ships and returned to a life of isolation. What was the impact of this decision?

  • The isolation led to China falling behind western civilizations
AE Study Guide