Click to sign up students to stay after school before the concert

(Not required. Just for convenience!  6th and 7th graders will be separate from the 8th grade party.)

Adult Volunteers needed: Respond using this google form (or send talking points or email

3:30-5:30 Adult Volunteers for 8th grade party and 6th/7th graders staying after school

5:00-6:00 Adult Volunteers before the concert
6:00-7:15 Adult Volunteers during the concert 

Soundtrap Instructions

Slideshow and recordings of the Solo Ensemble Concert 10-20-22

See your grade level page for class information

Musicianship is not a talent you are born with.  It can be learned through practice. 

You only have to practice on the days that you eat! 🤣 

 (Daniel Coyle, The Little Book of Talent

Eric Grush, Director

My name is Eric Grush, and I am honored and grateful to be part of Band at the Bend!!

2022-23 will be my 28th year teaching band  (which is amazing since I am still only 35 🤣) I have taught at RBMS for 3 years, which makes me the band director who has been at RBMS longest! Other places I have taught include:

Eric Grush Teaching Portfolio Video Playlist