Unit 1: The Lithosphere

What processes have shaped our planet over the last 4.6 billion years and are they the same ones that change the Earth today?

(NC EEn 2.1)

Unit 2: Weathering & Soil

How do we access the Earth's mineral resources to provide food for our ever-growing human population?

(NC EEn 2.2 & 2.8)

Unit 3: The Hydrosphere

How does the flow of water through ecosystems connect the lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere?

(NC EEn 2.3-2.4)

Unit 4: The Atmosphere

How is the Sun's radiation transferred to the Earth in order to create patterns of weather and climate?

(NC EEn 2.5-2.6))

Unit 5: Resources & Energy

What resources are available on this planet and how is human consumption of these resources determining the fate of our species?

(NC EEn 2.7-2.8)

Unit 6: Astronomy

What makes our Earth-Moon system unique and how does it compare to other objects in our solar system?

(NC EEn 1.1)