Counseling Accessibility

Referral procedures for individual counseling:

Parents, teachers, or staff may refer a child/student for individual counseling. Parents may call 919-460-3431 x25939, email Teachers or administrators may make a referral by consulting with parents and granting permission for me to counsel their child. Verbal permission will be accepted from parents. I can counsel students for a one time session or up to 6 sessions. I will contact parents via phone after the sessions for follow up.

  • Students in grades 3-5 may self- refer for individual counseling or in small groups, giving the referral form to their teacher who places it in my mailbox. I schedule a time to meet with the individual student or students. This is a one time referral and I usually meet with them during their lunchtime. Concerns which students may talk about are friends, home, school or any other issue they wish to discuss.