Animals in their environments: changes, Behaviors, and adaptations
Animals in their environments: changes, Behaviors, and adaptations
Essential questions:
Essential questions:
I can explain how magnets affect the motion of an object.
I can explain how magnets interact with other objects?
I can explain how electrically charged objects interact with other objects.
Learning Targets
Learning Targets
I can explain how magnets affect the motion of an object.
I can explain how magnets interact with other objects?
I can explain how electrically charged objects interact with other objects.
Key Concepts & Vocabulary
Key Concepts & Vocabulary
force, motion, magnetism, magnet, attract(pull), repel(push), magnetic field, magnetic poles (North, South), electricity, electric, electrically charged (positive,negative), static electricity, discharge,
Force & Motion Study Guides
Force & Motion Study Guides
Force & Motion_ Magnets and Electric Charge (4.P.1) Study Guide.pdf
Force & Motion_ Magnets and Electric Charge (4.P.1) Study Guide_Spanish.pdf
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