Ms. Powell
About Ms. Powell
My Experience 🏫
I have taught in North Carolina Public Schools since 2010. I started teaching at Highcroft in 2013. This is my 12th year teaching Kindergarten. Teaching is my passion! It is such a joy to guide young students to learn, grow, and thrive!
My Education 🎓
I attended Duke University in Durham, NC where I earned my Bachelors in Psychology with a concentration in Childhood Development and completed the Duke University Teacher Preparation Program for licensure in K -6th grade.
My Family 👪
I live right here in Cary, NC with my family of 3.
My Hobbies 🎶
I love spending time with my son, reading, traveling, and doing crafts.
My Favorites ❤️
🎀 Color: Pink
🍁Season: Fall
🎾 Sport: Tennis
📚Book: Pride and Prejudice
🛒Store: Trader Joe's
🌮Food: Tacos, salad, and dark chocolate
Specials Schedule
Contact Information
Please feel free to always contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Please give up to 24 hours for a response due to the busy schedule during the school day. I am always willing to set up a conference as well.
You may also call to reach me: (914) 462-9294
🛍️ Wish List 🛍️