Wakefield High School

Mr. Williams

Teacher: Mr. Williams

Email: bwilliams4@wcpss.net

Course(s): Math 1, Math +

Learning Platform: Canvas

Remind: Math 1: @h9fkag Math +: @ca92fk

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:30-4:00 pm


There are 3 ways for parents to keep track of what the class is learning. The first is a group email blast to parents. I send weekly announcements briefly summarizing what was just completed and the learning goals for the upcoming week.

The 2nd way is through the Remind app. I use this to communicate with students and parents and give reminders and clarifications about assignments. Parents can send me a message, similar to an email and I'll promptly respond during normal office hours. The class codes for each course I teach are above.

The 3rd way is by accessing your child's Canvas, which will be the learning platform that we will use every day this year. Daily assignments, lessons and resources will all be accessible here.

Copies of the email blast as well as weekly agendas will be posted under your child's class page at the top right corner of this home page.

Math 1

Join Google Meet through Canvas

Math +

Join the Google Meet through Canvas