Class Codes and Instructions

Directions: Students, start by logging into your Google Classroom through your Wake ID. Once in your Google Classroom, you can click the + button at the top of the page to join one of my classes. The class codes are listed below for all fall classes. Parents, once your student has joined my class, shoot me an email to add you to their account. You will then be able to see the calendar with agenda and any assignments I have given and expected to be completed.

Update: I have added a link to each classroom from this page. You can use this link once you have signed into the Google Classroom for the first time.

6-7 Digital Literacy: jot5acx 6-7 Google Classroom Link

6-8 Digital Literacy: ulp4kp 6-8 Google Classroom Link

7-5 Introduction to Office Productivity: uuxsbyl 7-5 Google Classroom Link

7-6 Digital Literacy: vl06u7z 7-6 Google Classroom Link

8-3 Digital Literacy: tfttih 8-3 Google Classroom Link

8-4 Introduction to Office Productivity: 4ossoud 8-4 Google Classroom Link