Basic Classroom Information

The ABC's of Mrs. klaus' Classroom

Attendance-Regular school attendance is essential for your child to make the most out of his/her education. Please make every effort to have your child at school (virtually of course) everyday unless there are appropriate circumstances. If your child is absent, please send an email directly to me ( and any excuse information as soon as possible. School begins promptly at 9:15am starting with our Morning Meeting.

Birthdays- Birthdays are very important to celebrate! In class, we will make every effort to commemorate the special occasion. We will sing and celebrate the day in a Google Meet session.

Communication- Communication is critical for your child’s success in school. Please feel free to contact me any time that you have a question or concern. It is important that we keep our lines of communication open. If you would like to send an email, I will respond to it as soon as possible. If you wish to call the school, the office will take a message and I will contact you as soon as I can. Please understand that during the day my attention is focused on children and learning and I will not be available to address individual issues at that time. I will be happy to meet with you, email or call you.

Discipline- In order for children to learn, they must feel safe and happy. I believe that good behavior is an essential part of a successful classroom. Your child will be expected to follow the school-wide rules and the classroom rules listed below. Please make sure that you review these rules with your child.

1. Follow all safety rules

2. Listen carefully and follow directions (includes completing all assignments accurately, neatly, and in a timely manner). Always do your very best.

3. Be respectful

4. Work cooperatively and be helpful

5. Use materials properly

Emergencies- Please make sure we have the correct emergency information on file for your child. If your phone number or address changes, you can call or send an email so your child's file can be updated!

Folders- You will use folders to help organize materials at home.

Grades- Assessing student’s learning is important for their progress. Work will be graded according to the scale listed below: P- Practice (no grade was taken), 4- well above grade level, 3- on grade level, 2- below grade level, and 1- well below grade level.

Google Classroom- All lessons and assignments will be posted in our Google Classroom. To access it, have your child log into the WakeID Portal and open the Google Classroom application. Click HERE for directions on joining our Google Classroom for the 1st time. Click HERE for general directions on how to get your Google Classroom after you have already joined. Click HERE for detailed information from Wake County about Google Classroom.

Health Concerns- Please let me know if your child has any health concerns, including any medications, emergency precautions, allergies, etc.

Independence- Independence is a life-long skill that continues to develop in second grade. I will encourage students to do many things for themselves. At home, please work on dressing, shoe tying, independent work habits, and zipping.

Just Do It! If you ever have a question or idea, please feel free to share it with me.

Kindly use patience as we work through the changes this school year! We will evolve and work together as we learn this new way of schooling!

Lunch- The lunch sites will be open starting at 10:45. The hours between 10:45-12:45 will be flexible in order for students who are travelling to pick up lunch will have plenty of time. In this time, you will have time to eat, enjoy some recess time, work on DreamBox math practice and iStation reading practice activities.

Meetings- I will require at least 2 meetings with you this year to discuss your child’s progress. If you want to meet additional days please let me know, I will be more than happy to meet with you and discuss your child’s progress.

New Friends- Your child will have the opportunity to make many new friends this year. Along with having friends comes problem solving. We will discuss how to become “Problem Solvers and Talk It Out” and ways to handle certain situations when they arise.

Ownership- The jump from first to second grade comes with many responsibilities. My job as a teacher is to make sure children develop an intrinsic motivation for learning. Children will continue to be motivated to learn for their own sake, not just because they have to. Students are expected to learn something new every day, in turn taking ownership of their own learning.

PTA- Please join and become involved if you are able. We have a great PTA committee.

Quality Time- Ask your child what he/she learned that day in school. This is great communication practice for your child.

Reading- Second grade is a critical year as students are learning to read as well as building a deeper comprehension within their reading. Not only read to your child, but have them read to you. Book discussions after reading would be beneficial as well. Reading is also a part of your child's daily homework! I ask that they read for 10 minutes. Remember to sign the reading log every night.

Specials- There will be a 20 minute time in our schedule from 3:10-3:30 that you will be able to complete some fun activities from our specialists (art, pe, music, library, etc)

Schedule- Click HERE to see our schedule for the day.

Technology Issues- If you have technology issues with your school device, contact the Help Desk at 919-694-8100 (The Help Desk will be staffed to take calls weekdays from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm. Translators are available.) or click HERE for a link to the help desk

U are the expert on your child. Please share with me any information you feel I may need. This includes any special interests, abilities, likes and dislikes. Please fill out the attached “Student Information” sheet.

Volunteer- We will have a sign up to become a virtual mystery reader soon!

Website- Our school website is a great place to find information about what is happening at our school! Please visit us at . You can also visit my website from the Carpenter site.

X-tra supplies- Please make sure that your child has the basic supplies listed on the website. If you are able to sponsor a child by providing the school supplies, please reach out to see if we have a need and that would be greatly appreciated. There will also be wish list items on our bi-weekly newsletter as well.

You Can Do It! - EVERY child is capable of learning! Just keep in mind that not all children learn the same way or in the same amount of time. Each child develops differently and at different rates...EVEN when the material is presented at the same time! Some children take longer to grasp a concept than others, but this does not mean that your child is not as smart. Realize your child's developmental rate and encourage without comparing!

​Z’s z’s z’s- Children at this age still need 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Please make sure your child is well rested and ready to learn everyday!

Please contact me with any questions: School 919-462-6780

I look forward to working with you and your child. We are going to have an awesome year!

Mrs. Klaus