Mr. Lucas' ELA

"You can always edit a bad page, but you can't edit a blank page."

-Jodi Picoult                    

About Me

My name is Andrew Lucas and I am super excited to teach 8th grade this year at Mills Park! I love reading, but I love writing even more. I graduated from High Point University with a BA in Creative Writing in 2010, which is also when I married my beautiful wife Rebecca. We have 3 children of our own and we often have foster kids living with us as well. Yes, it is as exhausting as it sounds. 😁 

In my spare time I enjoy being outside playing sports, going on a hike, or just sitting in my hammock (during nap time) and listening to baseball games on the radio. I also am an avid Dungeons and Dragons player. Feel free to ask me more about myself! Please see the contact info page on how to do so!