
Mills Park Middle School is committed to the educational success of your child. Therefore, we need your cooperation in assisting us in this process. It is important that your children are at school and on time in order to receive the maximum benefits from instruction.

School starts promptly at 8:15. When your child is late, he/she misses valuable instructional time. Please make sure they are in the building with plenty of time to get breakfast, go their locker, and be in their seat with time to spare before the final bells rings at 8:15.

If your child is absent, you'll need to provide a hand-written note, email or doctor's note within two days of your child's return to school or the absences will be recorded as unexcused. If absences become excessive, a doctor's note may be required.

If children repeatedly miss instruction, they:

  • fall behind on school work

  • get low test scores

  • may fail their grade

  • become isolated from peers

  • have a poor attitude towards schools


As parents, it is your responsibility to ensure your child attends school! NC attendance law 115C-378 requires all students enrolled in school to be in attendance. At 10 unexcused absences, parents can be held legally responsible for student non-attendance. Please see your school social worker for information on the NC Attendance Law and WCPSS Policy.

Moira Conlon, School Social Worker

919-466-1500 ext. 20806

For more information about attendance at Mills Park Middle School, including access to an Excused Absence Form, click this link.

The Importance of School Attendance Video: