Kindergarten Policies

We use a school-wide PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) system in which the students are expected to show their Panther PRIDE. In the classroom, the students are expected to show their PRIDE in the following ways:

Positive Attitude:

*I will choose and show my best attitude.

*I will use good manners and speak kind words.

*I will respond positively to others.


*I will be considerate of others’ learning, time, and space.

*I will take care of things around me and clean up.

*I will use an appropriate voice level and tone.


*I will only do things I am proud to admit.

*I will report without tattling.

*I will tell the truth.


*I will take ownership of my actions.

*I will make good choices.

*I will think before I act.


*I will give 100%.

*I will put forth my best effort.

*I will minimize time off task.

Classroom Rules

  1. Raise your hand to speak.

  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.

  3. Stay in your assigned area.

  4. Treat yourself, your classmates and your teachers with respect.

  5. Show PRIDE in everything you do.

  6. Complete all assignments in a timely manner.


Warning (Level 1 only)

Take a Pride Paw from student's slot in the pocket chart

Complete “Reflection Sheet” that is signed by the parent and returned to school.

Principal’s Office

Classroom Management:

We will be using the Pride Paw System in our class. Students will receive 10 paws at the beginning of each week. Students will write their name and class number on the back of the paws and put them into their labeled slot in the pocket chart.

On Friday afternoon students can use their Pride Paws to enter raffles for small prizes.

If a student breaks classroom or school rules a paw will be taken. This can happen in the classroom, hallways, special classes, the cafeteria or at recess.


  • Not completing classwork or homework.

  • Bothering students during work time.

  • Playing on a device instead of doing work.

  • Leaving a mess after snack.

  • Having an unorganized work area or cubbie.

  • Entering the classroom in a noisy manner.

  • Rudeness towards students or staff.

  • Poor attitude concerning work or group work.

Students can also earn paws throughout the building including the classroom, hallways, special classes, the cafeteria or at recess.


  • Using self-control in the hallway.

  • Completing exemplary work by following directions.

  • Using technology tools for learning.

  • Walking into the classroom quietly and completing routines with Pride.

  • Kindness towards classmates and staff.

  • Taking the high road during a conflict.

Attendance & Absences:

Fifth grade is an extremely important year. Our day starts promptly with the 9:15 bell and it is vital that your child arrives to school on time each day. At Mills Park, students may begin entering the classroom at 8:45. They have materials to organize and morning responsibilities daily. The extra time allows for a calm and smooth transition into our busy day. If your child will be absent from school (due to sickness or an appointment), please send me an email before school starts.

In addition to being on time, it is also important that your child remains at school all day unless they have scheduled appointments. The office asks that students be checked out before 3:20 p.m. each day for appointments to avoid congestion at dismissal time. Dismissal is at 3:45 (except on early release Fridays). To avoid dismissal confusion, any changes in afternoon plans require a dated and signed note, an email, or a phone call from the parent or guardian of the child changing the routine. Please be sure to take care of this first thing in the morning if possible.

If your child is absent, please send a note with them on the day they return. The note should include your child’s name, the date(s) of absence, and the reason they were absent. An e-mail sent to let us know why your child would not be at school is considered an absence note. If no note or email is received, your child’s absence will be considered unexcused. Please refer to the Wake County policy for what constitutes an excused absence.

Tuesday Folders/Homework Folders:

We will be using a folder for our homework this year which will also be the Tuesday folder. The folder is a light “Carolina Blue” color. Each night, the students will bring home that folder with any necessary worksheets or study guides. We don't have agendas this year. Instead, homework will be posted on the digital calendar on my website.

Tuesday folders may often contain papers that need to be signed and returned.

We know that students are often involved in extracurricular activities, so if your child cannot complete their homework one night and needs an extension, or if they do not understand the assignment and need extra help with it, please email us or send a note so we are aware of the situation and can provide help when necessary. Please be advised that we do not accept late homework unless we have received an email/note from the parent stating why the assignment could not be completed. The homework assignments given in class reinforce what we do in the classroom on a daily basis. This is a way for your child to practice and extend what they learned in class.

Afternoon Snack:

Since we have an early lunch, your child will have the opportunity to eat a healthy snack each afternoon. Fruits, vegetables, cheese, hummus and yogurt are a great choice for snack. PLEASE have the snack prepared ahead of time (washed and sliced) so that it may be ready for your child to eat immediately. Please send in a spoon if it is necessary for your child's snack.

Birthday Treats:

If you want to send treats for a birthday, please let us know at least one day in advance so that we can plan accordingly. Please remember: ALL items that are sent in for the class must be store bought with all ingredients clearly listed. Birthday treats will be eaten at recess time. Our recess starts at ________. It is best to be at the outdoor picnic tables a few minutes before that time. These tables are closest to the cafeteria door exit.