Day 5 - Port Honduras Marine Reserve

"Today was a day on the water.  I wish I could say we all escaped sunburn.. but alas… several students have mild burns even with the use of sunscreen.  I have shared a bottle of aloe with everyone and will ensure good reapplications of sunscreen today (along with better coverage)…

Our day started with TIDES (Toledo Institute for Development and Environment) bringing us out to Abalone Caye for a presentation about the Port Honduras Marine Reserve and the responsibilities of the Rangers that are stationed there.  The rangers stay on site for two weeks on and one week off for their rotation.  They do research, but mostly patrol to ensure proper enforcement of the fishing laws.  Belize is close to Guatemala and often Guatemalans secure proper fishing licenses but then illegally export the catch to Guatemala.  It’s a tricky thing to catch them.  Additionally they use illegal nets and long lines which is harmful to the fish populations and environment.

We also enjoyed their two dogs one of whom ran to the dock to see us off…"

We're ready to roll!

It was a fun boat ride

Abalone Caye, and the Port Honduras Marine Reserve

The Ranger explaining the role of the Abalone Caye Ranger Station and TIDES

Their Vision and Mission statements

The area managed by the TIDES Rangers

The pup that saw us off!

"From there we went to a snorkeling spot where guides took us around the reef.  My group saw a nurse shark, among many other small fish and corals.  Another thing all groups saw was very large starfish.

After snorkeling we headed out to lunch at Punta Negra.  It was a tiny beach area where the locals prepared a choice of chicken or fresh caught fish, roasted tomatoes and rice and beans for us.  The juices here are amazing and we have different kinds at each meal."

Our Celine Dion champ boat captain!

His dancing mate!

Our boat

We had a beautiful day on the beach/water for snorkeling.

Everyone enjoyed their beach time.

Lots of great instagram worthy photo shoots!

And beautiful backdrops!

We had so much fun.

"After lunch we were back on the boats for a trek to see manatees.  It seemed like we weren’t going to see any and then there they were!  Getting photos was tough but one leader got a great video."

Peeking up behind our boat

Most barely stuck their nose out of the water.. and only for a few seconds!


"Our boat captain was amazing.  He knows every Celine Dion song by heart… ask us how we know (haha)

We pretty much crawled off the boats at the end.. the sun is so draining.  After showers and some AC though we were ready for our Garifuna drumming lessons and another delicioso meal of fish fried green banana and roasted tomatoes."

Our groups divided up to drum or have a locally sourced dinner and then swapped.

We all had a great time learning about the Garifuna people and some basic drumming techniques.
