PARENT Resources

Reading & Writing

Home Connect letters 

How to use the information 

Reading WITH your child

Learning to read AND Reading to learn require practice, as well as exposure to good reading & wondering.  Families are KEY to the reading success of their children.

Social & Emotional


Social/Emotional Activities for parent & child

Strengthening your childs’ social and emotional well being to manage feelings appropriately, solve problems, make friends, ask for help, be patient, increase self control and much more


Parent Math Resources 

Support your child's math journey - math doesn't only happen at school!


Adaptive math practice to fill in gaps or provide enrichment. 

Math Strategy Videos

by grade & skill

WCPSS Information


Assessment Info.

WCPSS Student Handbook & important policies 

Rules and expectations for WCPSS students and families, as well as specific policies on a wide variety of topics.

Ms. Stradling’s slides 

from Coffee with Mr. Moore on 9/10/21 

What do we assess and when? How can you be supportive?