
  • 5.E.1 Understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather in a particular place and time.

  • 5.P.2.1 Explain how the sun’s energy impacts the processes of the water cycle.

  • 5.P.3.2 Explain how heating and cooling affect some materials and how this relates to their purpose and practical applications.

Vocabulary Words:

Weather: the daily conditions in the air that are constantly changing

Climate: the patterns of weather in a place over a period of time

Climatogram: a graph that shows a place's temperature and precipitation patterns over a period of time

Air pressure: the force of air pushing down on Earth

Convection Current: the cycle of moving air that happens when warm air rises and cold air sinks; they cause wind

Wind: moving air

Air Mass: large area of air with similar temperature and moisture

Front: the boundary between 2 air masses (we will focus on cold fronts and warm fronts)

Jet Stream: a band of strong wind that blows from west to east all across the U.S. and impacts weather patterns

Thermometer: tool used to measure temperature

Barometer: tool used to measure air pressure

Rain Gauge: tool used to measure amount of precipitation

Anemometer: tool used to measure wind speed

Wind Vane: tool used to measure wind direction

Evaporation: the process when liquid heats up and turns into water vapor (gas)

Condensation: the process when water vapor (gas) cools down and turns into liquid water

Precipitation: the process when rain or snow falls from the clouds to the ground

Transpiration: the process when plants release water and it evaporates into the atmosphere

Run-off: water that runs across the surface of the Earth and runs off into bodies of water

Groundwater: water that absorbs into the ground

Gulf Stream: a warm ocean current that travels across the Atlantic Ocean, affects the climate of the US's east coast and Europe

Convection: heat transfers through a liquid or gas

Conduction: heat transfers by direct contact (touching)

Radiation: heat transfers through waves, such as the Sun's rays

Weather vs Climate

Properties of Air

1) Air has weight.

2) Air takes up space.

3) Air exerts pressure.

Air Pressure & Convection Currents

Cold air contracts and is more dense, so it SINKS.

Warm air expands and is less dense, so it RISES.

Air Masses and Fronts

The Jet Stream greatly impacts the weather in NC. Can you figure out why?

weather tools

Water Cycle and clouds

Click on the diagram to learn more about the water cycle!

Ocean Currents

types of heat transfer