Nomination of students

We accept nominations throughout the year. Nominations can come from teachers or school staff, parents or even students themselves. We ask those providing the nomination to submit those requests in writing, either by email or by handwritten note. My email address is (If a student has been identified in another state or in another county in NC, we request that a parent provide us with documentation that provides the support/proof of prior gifted identification.)

Once we receive a nomination, we begin to gather data on the student. We look at past academic performance in the classroom, scores on standardized testing, and work samples that might reflect above-grade-level work. During a monthly meeting of our School-Based Committee for Gifted Education, we will go over the data and determine if the team believes the student to be a good candidate for testing. If so, we will send home a form requesting from the parent a Consent for Evaluation. If a parent consents for his/her student to be tested, we will test that student in our next testing window. We test students during one of two testing windows during the school year, typically in late September/early October or somewhere around late January. Please note that procedures may be different this year as a result of COVID 19.

When test results come back, the School-Based Committee will look over those results and determine if any additional testing is necessary. The team will also determine if performance on tests or in work samples should lead to any identification for the AIG program. Parents will be notified of results following the committee's decision.

Our identification process typically takes a number of weeks. If a student is identified AIG, we will begin to serve that student the following semester.