Suggested Resources

EPIC books - Most classroom teachers have an EPIC books account. If they do not and you are interested in having your student read books through EPIC, please contact me at I will typically respond in 24 hours unless it is a weekend.

Storylineonline is a great resource for books read aloud by current actors.

Stories from Space This site has real astronauts reading books from space!

Storyjumper is a great source for students to explore digital storytelling. They can create a book. Some students may have accounts, but an account is not needed for students to create a book, just to save the book.

Have your students read to a younger sibling, an older caregiver, or to one of the pets. It just matters that your student is reading. Sometimes when they read to a pet, the student does not feel the pressure of having pronounced every word correctly.

Students can work on typing skills during this school closure. Here are three WCPSS approved resources for typing that do not require the student to login.

Dance Mat Typing

Typing Club

Aquarium webcam

Various webcams

Summer Resources