Mrs. Dixon

Media Specialist/Librarian

Contact: sfdixon@wcpss.net

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Frederick Douglass

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”

Click the Buttons below to find books!

Great Reading List

Library Information:

Our school library operates on a semi-fixed schedule. Classes are taught to different grade levels throughout the day. Open circulation is available during the school day for students. This allows students to circulate books as often as needed.

Volunteers are always needed and wanted in the library/media center. We are following the state Covid guidelines regarding volunteers. Contact Mrs. Dixon for information.

Circulation Policy:

Keep the books until you are finished reading them. All books are assigned a due date 29 days from the date of checkout. This date is just a suggestion. Students are encouraged to keep books over track-out.

We never assess fines for late books. If you lose or damage a book, please email

Mrs. Dixon. sfdixon@wcpss.net

Parents will receive weekly emails detailing the items your child currently has checked out.

Book Fair!

The HSES PTA sponsors a book fair each spring. This is a wonderful event for ous school family to purchase terrific books and to help out our library. The PTA uses all the funds raised from the book fair to purchase new books for our school library. Volunteers are always needed to help with the fair. Please consider supporting the library by making purchases from the fair.