Independent Enrichment Courses for Language Arts(through 7th grade) and Math(through Algebra). 

SMILE camp: Summer, track out camps, and Saturday sessions.  SMILE Camp is an interactive inquiry-based STEM+Arts learning experience that will engage your child (ages 7 to 18) like never before! Through our unique applications of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) we will inspire a fervor for learning the wonders of science and the world around us.  Video

Community STEM Courses

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth:   Online programs including coding for middle schools students and various courses for higher level math, reading and writing. 

PAGE of Wake County Super Saturday

HMS CLUBS: Chess Club, Yearbook, Student Council

 Battle of the Books

The Battle of the Books Club is for students who like to read and LOVE competition!

 Math Video Challenge

 Teams of four students will create a video based on one of problems included in the MATHCOUNTS School Handbook.  The video must teach the solution to the selected math problem, as well as demonstrate the real-world application of the math concept used in the problem.

 Rubber Band Contest

 Design and create a working invention that incorporates at least 1 rubber band.

 Letters About Literature

How has an author’s work changed your view of the world or yourself?  Write a letter to that author (living or deceased) stating how his or her work changed you. 

Creative Minds Fiction Contest

The first-place winner will be published in the May/June issue of Imagine. Second- and third-place winners will be excerpted in print and published in full online. All winners will receive copies of the issue in which their work appears.


River of Words Art/Poetry Contest

If you create an art project, you must also create a poem that relates to it. 

River of Words