New Student Enrollment 


In Wake County, students are assigned to a base elementary, middle, and high school for their home address. Find your base school using our address look-up tool

All new students must start the enrollment process by enrolling at their base school.  Please use the link below to access the WCPSS enrollment page and portal.

After you complete the Enrollment Process through the WCPSS enrollment portal, our Holly Grove Student Services clerical assistant, will review the paperwork and contact you with any questions and with additional paperwork if needed.

Year-Round Calendar Track Assignment 

You are assigned to a multi-track year-round calendar school, your child will be assigned a track schedule. Track assignments are made with consideration to parent input, siblings, grade level scheduling, and mandatory class size limits. All track assignments are made at the school. Families applying for a year-round school will be asked to rank the four tracks when they submit their online application. Every effort will be made to honor an existing track when a student moves from one year-round school to another year-round school, but this is not guaranteed. Notification of track change requests for existing students at a school and track assignments for students new to the school will be given mid-March. All track assignments are subject to change based on enrollment variations. Families should work with the school staff at your school to discuss track assignments. 

Student Enrollment Is Now Online

For more information about enrolling your child in Wake County Public Schools, please visit: WCPSS Enrollment

STEP 1:  FIND YOUR BASE SCHOOL: In Wake County, students are assigned to a base school for their home address. Find your base school using our address look-up tool.


STEP 3:  WAIT ON ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION EMAIL AND/OR PHONE CALL:  A member of the Student Services Department will contact you about your student's start date and track assignment.  Your student(s) will receive a copy of their schedule from their assigned School Counselor and a tour on their first day of school.