-4th and 5th grade students can be nominated for the AIG identification process once a year.   

-The full AIG identification process typically takes 3-5 months to complete.

-The county offers two testing windows.  One in the fall (October) and one in the spring (January/February).

-Students must be nominated by a parent/guardian or teacher. 

-A nomination does not guarantee AIG testing or AIG identification.  The School Based Committee for Gifted Education will meet about all nominated students to analyze all available data and determine if a referral for testing is appropriate.  The SBCGE is made up of classroom teachers, the AIG teacher, HCES administration, and other support staff who can speak to the data being discussed.

-If the data supports the need for possible AIG identification the student will be referred for the AIG identification process.  If the data does not support the need the student will not be referred.

-All testing will be completed by the AIG teacher.  

Are students automatically nominated for the AIG identification process?  

No.  Students are not automatically referred for the AIG identification process.  Parents and/or teachers have to nominate a student to be considered for the process.  Nominated students should be showing high potential in their classroom.  This nomination must be received via the Google Form linked at the bottom of this page.  

What happens after I nominate my student for the AIG identification process? 

After the nomination window closes a School Based Committee for Gifted Education (SBCGE) meeting us scheduled to discuss all nominations.  At this meeting all nominations are discussed and the decision about whether testing is appropriate is made by the committee for each nominee.  A nomination does not guarantee testing.  That decision is made by the committee.  The committee considers all relevant student data when making this decision.  The SBCGE committee is made up of classroom teachers, administration, and the AIG teachers.  After that meeting, all testing materials are ordered and prepared individually for each student that will be testing.  A testing schedule is then set up.  All parents are informed of the committee's decision for their student.

How do I nominate my student for the AIG identification process?  

Fill out this google form. Contact your homeroom teacher with your nomination. You will be contacted by the AIG teacher with more information.

How often does Wake County test for AIG identification? 

There are two testing windows during the year - one occurs during the the fall (October) and the other occurs during the spring (January - March).  The county sets all testing windows and deadlines for nominations.  

​How often can students be tested for AIG identification? 

Students can only be tested once during a full calendar year. If your student is tested in the fall of 2023 they cannot best tested again until the fall of 2024.

Is passing formal tests the only way to qualify for gifted services?

No.  Formal testing is just one way students in Wake County are able to qualify for gifted services. 

Hortons Creek  Fall 2023 

Testing  & Nomination Windows

Fall Nomination Window

August 29-October 2

Fall Testing Window

October 16 - October 27

Homeroom teachers must be contacted by the parent/guardian who is nominating.  The teacher and the parent will then discuss the student's current data together. 

Hortons Creek Spring 2024 

Testing & Nomination Windows 

Spring Nomination Window


Spring Testing Windows


Homeroom teachers must be contacted by the parent/guardian who is nominating.  The teacher and the parent will then discuss the student's current data together.