Visual Arts Proficient (H) Artwork

Artist Statement Example.pdf

Artist Statement

Elements of Landscape

Medium: Color pencils & graphite.

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

We started this project off by drawing studies of items from nature. We had to select an arrangement of 4 objects from nature, choosing the best composition for the objects. The focus was to draw the objects using color, value, texture and shape.

Eric Straw Alter Ego Mask

Medium: Cardboard & acrylic paints.

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

Our masks needed to be based on an alter ego we created. For my piece, I decided to make mine look a little more scary. The features were supposed to looked exaggerated putting emphasis on them. I decided to place the head on a hand I created out of paper mache to tie it all together.

Narrative Still Life

Medium: Tempera Paints

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

The narrative still life we arranged, could be either based on a real or fictional story. I chose to create a real story. The picture frames and books are personal items of mine. I wanted to tell the story about how I like to use my time reading. These are a few of my favorite books.


Medium: Acrylic paints

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

The idea of photorealism, is to make your work of art look as close to the original item(s) as possible. I chose to select a photo from when i was younger on Christmas morning. This was such an exciting time as I received some great gifts. Using the acrylic paints, were tricky in creating the painting to look realistic.

Silhouette Stories

Medium: Tempera Paints

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

My silhouette story was based on a fictional image. I combined a few different images I had seen in other artworks, to create my own piece. We were required to use cut values of gray scale paper to create an image that showed depth. The way depth was shown, was by decreasing the values as they went back into space.

Choice Based Sketch

Choice Base Project

Medium: Graphite

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

This was my favorite project. We were able to choose one of three different project ideas. I chose to do the Silhouette Story. I wanted my idea to be around nature. I decided to do a scene from inside a forest. I thought I captured the animals and surrounding plants in their natural element.

Sketchbook Assignment #5

Sketchbook Assignment #5

Medium: Paper, graphite

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

Sketchbook Assignment #4

Medium: Paper, graphite

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)

Sketchbook Assignment #1

Medium: Paper, graphite

Date of work: 2nd semester (2019)