
"Common assessments" refer to teacher-made assessments that are given to all 3rd graders at approximately the same time during the quarter.

MATH: For math assessments, all of the classwork and/or homework leading up to the assessment should prepare students - no additional studying is needed unless the student is struggling with the concept or with the subject in general, or has been absent during instruction.

READING: For reading assessments, all of the classwork and/or homework leading up to the assessment should prepare students - no additional studying is needed unless the student is struggling with the concept or with the subject in general, or has been absent during instruction.

WRITING: During the school year the students will write at least one opinion, one narrative and one expository piece of writing where they proceed through the writing process of plan, draft, revise, edit and publish.

SCIENCE: Quizzes and other assessments may be given throughout the unit on specific topics. A unit test is given at the end of the unit.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Quizzes and other assessments may be given throughout the unit on specific topics. A unit test is given at the end of the unit.

State Tests:

  • Mclass testing 3 times a year

  • Star Math testing 3 times a year

  • BOG Testing

  • EOG Testing

  • Cogat Testing