Student Illness

Stay home when sick.

You may not enter a WCPSS facility if you have been:

When students can return to school

Students who are not feeling well but do not have one of the COVID-19 symptoms listed above may return to school if they are fever free for 24-hrs without the use of fever reducing medication AND symptoms have improved. The health care provider is not required to detail the specifics of an alternate diagnosis.

View for requirements to return after a COVID-19 diagnosis, exposure, or symptoms. 

Your child should also stay home if they have an undiagnosed rash. head lice, or symptoms of pink eye. 

Students Experiencing Symptoms of Illness During the School Day

A child will be referred to the health room for daily medications, minor first aid, and when symptomatic of an illness. A student too ill to be in the classroom must be picked up by a family member as soon as possible

The only services that the health room can render are: Band-Aids, temperature check, rest in the health room bed, soap and water, TLC, and calling EMS.

Head Injuries / Concussion

Any student who falls and hits their head will be sent to the office. Teachers will inform the parents in writing and with a phone call when their child has gotten hurt while at school, regardless of the injury. If your child has a head injury at school, you will receive the following letter: