Video: Sieve of Eratosthenes: a way to find all the prime numbers from 1-100. I will give you a copy of this chart in class. You will keep this all year because let's be honest not many people have the prime numbers memorized and I don't expect you to either!

Optional Link to do the Sieve for prime numbers online. Play and have fun!

game to practice factorization

online way to practice factor trees

The next 3 videos are different ways to find the GCF/LCM. Required are the first 2 but I encourage you to watch all 3 and do a few practice problems then you can decide which method you like best!

Optional video: If the other methods don't work for you maybe you will like this one. Be careful on the second to last step.

2017 Updated Sea Turtle and GCF and LCM (1).pdf

GCF/LCM application and project