English Language Arts 8

Welcome to 8th grade ELA

Eighth graders begin the year by reading several personal narratives and memoir, reviewing plot elements, dialogue and narrative writing. They will end the first 3 week unit by composing a personal narrative based on a survival experience, which will serve as a springboard for a focus on Ha's survival story. Please check specific assignments and due dates on your teacher's website.

Quarter 1 text: Inside Out and Back Again-Thanhha Lai

Supply List

ELA Supply List

ELA Grading

ELA Grading

Walton Eighth Grade Language Arts-Letter.docx

ELA Parent Letter

ELA Units- Expeditionary Learning Curriculum (EL):

QTR 1 -Theme: Finding Home: Refugees

Reading Focus: Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai; Informational Readings on Vietnam

Writing Focus: Narrative Writing-Survivor Narrative-Based Free Verse Narrative Poems

QTR 2- Theme: Working with Evidence: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Reading Focus: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare

Writing Focus: Argument Essay and Character Confessional Narrative

QTR 4-Theme: Sustainability of World’s Food Supply

Reading Focus: The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat, Michael Pollan (Young Readers’ Edition)

Writing Focus: Research Simulation and Position Paper/Argumentative speech and essay