East Garner Elementary

Virtual & Remote Learning

Please use this website to find schedules, parent information and contacts for our East Garner Staff.


Call the office at 919-773-7411

Mrs. Graf's Virtual Learning Video Coming Soon!

20-21 MOD Calendar.pdf

Need Support?

Need Support from a Guidance Counselor or Social Worker?

Guidance Counselor- Alice Buckner ahbuckner@wcpss.net

Guidance Counselor- Toron Brown tbrown18@wcpss.net

Social Worker- Jennifer Pappalardo jpappalardo@wcpss.net

East Garner Guidance Website

If you have any family and/or child concerns related to needs (food, clothing, housing, etc.), social/emotional health, special education or academic questions/concerns, please fill out the survey below...

English- https://forms.gle/reokWpdFVrQx7hxP6

Spanish- https://forms.gle/qRLvRehXvXPpzNY86