Parent Involvement Tips

1. Check your child's homework notebook on a regular basis. Check to make sure homework is being completed. Look for test and quizzes and mark these on your calendar at home. Remind your child (on a daily basis) to begin studying for these tests and quizzes as soon as possible.

2. Hold your child accountable by checking Powerschool weekly. Click HERE for parent PowerSchool form. Please fill out and hand deliver to DRMS office. Please bring your driver's licence or government issued ID.

If you have another Wake County student you can link accounts. Click on parent profile at the top of the page. Click on add student.

3. Check your child's subject notebook on a daily basis. Check to see that there is an updated assignment sheet, and that all assignments are numbered and in order. Provide highlighter pens or pens in fun colors to mark page numbers in these notebooks. All test and quizzes should be in these notebooks. Ask to see them after they are graded.

4. Make sure your child has all the school supplies he/she needs. Ask frequently if he/she needs additional notebook paper, pencils, pens, etc.

5. Help your child study for test by calling out information to him/her, or by helping them create their own mini quizzes.

6. If necessary, you could try setting up a reward system for good grades or 100% homework completion.

7. Don't hesitate to contact one of us if you have a question or concern. You can email Marlin teachers, call Durant Road Middle School (870-4098) and leave a message for us to call you, or you can send a note to us at school with your child. Email is the best way to contact your child’s teachers.

Thank you for all your help!