Computer Science Discoveries I/II

This is a 9 weeks course in Computer Science @Heritage Middle School.

Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory course that empowers students to engage with computer programming as a mode of expression for creativity, communication, hands-on problem solving, and fun through a block-based visual programming platform. This elective is a highly interactive and collaborative introduction to the field of computer science. Through a series of puzzles, challenges, and real world scenarios, students are introduced to a problem solving process and learn how computers input, output, store, and process information to help humans solve problems through coding.

There are TWO levels. In Level II, students learn to create webpages/websites using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) inside’s Web Lab environment. Web Lab — A browser-based tool for creating and publishing HTML and CSS web sites. Throughout the unit, students consider questions of privacy and ownership on the internet as they develop their own personal websites.

Level I/Quarter 1 instructional Plan:

Opening: CyberSnoop Virtual Academy Orientation (3 days)

Discover Unit 1: Explore Problem Solving and Computing (2.5 weeks)

Discover Unit 2: Explore Animation and Games (5 weeks)

Closing: Showcase Digital Portfolio Entry (1 week)

Level II/Quarter 1 instructional Plan:

Opening: Orientation (3 days)

Discover Unit 2: Explore HTML and CSS (4 weeks)

Discover Unit 4: Explore Design Process (3.5 weeks)

Closing: Showcase Digital Portfolio Entry (1 week)

Equipment Needed:

  • Earbuds/Headphones/Headset 😎

  • A folder to keep any handouts distributed in class.

Cyber Announcement:

One of our favorite cyberspaces will be Google Classroom (GC). I will use GC to post announcements and lesson plans/assignments. You will be automatically enrolled into my Google Classroom. Enter your WakeId and click on Google Classroom and you will see the Computer Science Discoveries course on your Dashboard. Everyday you will need to login to your WakeId Portal and then click on GC. Use and access to GC when you are ABSENT is very important. Get ready for a creative, transformational, and fun adventure as we explore the world of computer science!

Additional Tips: Come to class with this thought, "while in class, I will minimize distractions". Be fully attentive and engaged. Participate and ask questions. Anticipate new knowledge.