
Credentials and Reporting

The attainment of an industry-recognized certification or credential ensures that students graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education.

An industry-recognized certification or credential helps businesses:

An industry-recognized certification or credential helps students:

2021-2022 Credential Report

2020-2021 Credential Report

2019-2020 Credential Report

Perkins Data Explorer

Credential Application 

A credential may be submitted for consideration through the CTE Credential Application. Applications will be reviewed by in-house subject matter experts to determine viability for alignment with NC CTE courses.

CTE Concentrator Feedback Survey

The CTE Concentrator Feedback Survey is an online survey system that allows students who have completed CTE programs to provide feedback on their experiences and to record their current employment and educational status. This feedback is used to analyze how well CTE is meeting the needs of students. This information is used in strategic planning and to meet federal reporting requirements.

Consolidated Annual Performance Report

The Consolidated Annual Performance, Accountability, and Financial Status Report for State-Administered Vocational Education Programs contains North Carolina's annual report for the basic grant and tech prep grant programs authorized by The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21 Century Act.


The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21 Century Act requires states to negotiate targets for the performance of Career and Technical Education students. Targets must be renegotiated each year based on actual performance.