Google Classroom

Here you will find links to each subject's Google Classroom website. Each student will be added to their respective classes and will have access to all class materials through Classroom. Each Classroom can also be accessed by clicking the links below, or by adding yourself to each class by entering the corresponding codes:

Fall 2019 Google Classroom Code: dlm5lqq

  • In order to login to Google Classroom with your WCPSS account, go to WakeID and login - Your username and password are as follows:
    • Username - First Initial of first name, followed by entire last name (This is your WakeID - ask a teacher if you don't know yours)
    • Password - WakeID password (If this is your first time logging in, your password will be your student ID/lunch number)

Once you are logged into your WakeID, you will have access to several applications, including your WCPSS Google Account.

  • If you ever want to just login to Google through a Google login screen, your username is your full WCPSS email address, which will then take you to the WakeID portal to login with your regular WakeID info. The full WCPSS email address for students is