Racism Recovery Plan

The following Racism Recovery Plan Steps [pdf] were created by the Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture All Rights Reserved.

Racial Wellness Toolbox

Describe what you are like when you are managing and responding to racism and racial trauma in a healthy manner.

Daily Maintenance of Centeredness in the Face of Racism

List connections or tools that help you maintain your centeredness in the face of racism. Such item can include but are not limited to:

Racial Trauma Triggers and Response Plan

List items or experiences that tend to result in racial trauma symptoms like anger, isolation or sadness. After each item or experience identify a specific centeredness response, like calling a friend or journaling.

For example:

Experience: Reading racist social media posts

Symptom: Anger

Response: Log off and call my sister

Racial Trauma Early Warning Signs and Response Plan

List early warning signs that you are experiencing racial trauma (e.g. body aches, fatigue, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping) and related ways of coping from your Daily Maintenance of Centeredness coping skills list.

Crisis Planning

Ask yourself how you would know if you were experiencing a crisis due to racism (e.g. thoughts of harm to others/or self; inability to care for self and/or others; acute racial trauma symptoms that last longer than a specified duration). List a person(s) or additional resources to contact in the event you experience such a crisis.

Post Crisis Planning

List ways of reconnecting with yourself and your communities to regain centeredness in the face of racism and racial trauma.