
This site is designed to help you navigate through various resources you or your child(ren) may need at any time.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us for any needs or questions you may have. Thank you for visiting!

Mrs. Bell

Guidance Counselorshbell@wcboe.org
Mrs. Bell is available to work with the entire student body, however Mrs. Bell primarily provides case management services and guidance lessons to our 1st and 2nd grade students.

Mrs. Walter

School Social Workergwalter@wcboe.org
Mrs. Walter is available to work with the entire student body, however Mrs. Walter primarily provides case management services and guidance lessons to our early childhood students in Y3, PreK, and Kindergarten.


  • This website has been created to provide resources and is not intended as a substitute for psychological or mental health treatment or services. If you need mental health or psychological services please seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.