An Overview of Our Libraries

Elementary Library

Our Elementary library is found on the North Campus and serves our K through 5th grade students and staff as they begin their educational journey.

Middle School Library

Our Middle School is settled within the walls of our Southern Campus and aims to provide resources for our 6th through 8th grade students and staff.

High School Library

Our High School library is located at the North Campus and meets the needs of our freshmen through senior classes and staff.

 Your Library Staff & Schedules

 Meet Our Librarian:

Mrs. Tiffany Ouellette

WC #235 District Librarian

"I have served the West Central School District as a WCHS English Instructor for seven years (with 9 years of total experience). This is my third year serving as our District Librarian, and I'm excited to help my colleagues and our students along our educational journeys."

Meet Our Library Support Staff:

Mrs. Boyd 

Library Associate at the North Campus

Mrs. Boyd assists in the overall running and management of the North Campus! We appreciate her creative displays, willingness to help teachers who need an extra pair of hands, and of course all of the work she does around our library to make it function.

Mrs. Torrance

Data Specialist at South Campus Library

Mrs. Torrance generously helps our staff by watching over the library at the South Campus, while she is working on important work for the district. We appreciate her for doing this, so our students can utilize the library when Mrs. Ouellette is at the North Campus. 


Our Catalog 

Check out our online catalog to see what new books our on our shelves and to search for books by title, author, subject, and more! 

Go to: to access our West Central School Catalog or get the RSAcat Mobile App! 


BiblioBoard Library:

This resource is open  to all residents of Illinois, BiblioBoard has digital books, images, articles, documents, audio and specially curated collections. See more information on the left hand side of our catalog page mentioned above! 

COMING SOON! Cloud Source OA

A free resource that enables our users access to free journal articles, e-books, e-textbooks, courses, teacher resources (worksheets & labs), and so much more!