Student Assistance Program

The SAP team operates during school days only. 

In case of an emergency, please contact 911 or the county crisis line.

Stay safe and stay healthy. 

Wayne County Crisis: 1-833-557-3224 Call or Text 988

In Pennsylvania, every school district is required to have a plan for identifying and assisting students who experience barriers to learning.   Our SAP team is made up of school and agency staff and is available to help you access school and community services for your child.  SAP is a state-mandated K-12 program designed to assist school personnel in identifying issues including alcohol and drug use, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student's success.  On this web page you will find forms to refer student to the SAP team, as well as other resources.  The SAP team will address the referrals at their next meeting (meetings are usually held weekly during the school year).  If this situation needs immediate attention you should call the school and speak with a guidance counselor or administration.  If this is an emergency you should call 911.

Do You See Your Child Showing Any of These Behaviors?

Withdrawing from family, friends, and/or activities

Changing friends

Unexplained physical injuries

Feeling sad

Talking about suicide

Defying authority, both at home and school

Acting aggressively



Needing money without a good explanation

Declining grades

Experimenting with alcohol or drugs

Back-talking staff

Are You Concerned about Your Child’s Reaction to...?

Recent death of a loved one

Divorce of parents

Family relocation

A relationship problem


Other traumatic event

Are you struggling, or know someone who is? Our SAP teams are here to assist you.

Here's how!

You can complete an online referral for yourself or someone else.  

You can also email the SAP Coordinator assigned to each building with a question or concern.  

Thank you!

Amy Gries: District SAP Coordinator & Damascus Area School SAP Coordinator

Larissa Valonis: Honesdale High School SAP Coordinator

Caroline Marino: Wayne Highlands Middle School SAP Coordinator

Tiffany Leventhal: Preston Area School SAP Coordinator

Mission Statement

The mission of the Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services is to provide leadership for developing a safe and drug-free environment and mental health wellness in schools and communities across the commonwealth. Barriers to learning will be removed and student academic achievement will be enhanced through collaborative prevention, intervention, and postvention services. 

4 Phases of the SAP Process

It is the  parent’s right to  be  involved in the  process and to have  full access to all  school records under the  applicable state  and federal laws  and regulations.   Involvement of  parents in all  phases of the  Student Assistance  Program  underscores the  parents’ role  and responsibility  in the decision–making  process  affecting  their child’s education and is  key  to the  successful resolution of  barriers. For students receiving  treatment through  a  community  agency, the student assistance  team, in collaboration with parents  and the agency, can  assist  in helping  plan in-school support services during  and after treatment.  The  team’s effectiveness in helping  the student  and the parent remove the  barriers to learning  and  improve  student performance  depends  on the training  of the individual team members, maintenance  of the  student assistance  team and process, level of administrative  commitment and board support, active  parent and student involvement and the available resources both in school and the  community.