School Policies
If you think you may have COVID symptoms, please do not come to school. Call your family doctor or get tested. Please don't put everyone at risk.
Mask Policy
Wearing a mask is optional at Ben Davis Ninth Grade Center and all MSD Wayne Township buildings.
Students are encouraged to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds and use hand sanitizer that is placed throughout the building.
Cell Phones
The NGC wants students to have the best possible learning environment, therefore cell phones are not permitted in classes.
During classes, cell phones must be put away in a bag or locker.
Students may use their cell phone prior to the start of school at 8:30 and after dismissal at 3:20 or in the hallways and cafeteria during lunch.
Chromebook Expectations
Students are expected to have a fully charged Chromebook for every class. This is an important learning tool.
Students should report any technology or Chromebook problems to their Impact teacher.
Grading Scale
There are no “D”s. Students must pass with 70% or better.
100-90%: A
89-80%: B
79-70%: C
69-0%: F
If a student is close to passing at the end of semester 1, he/she may be assigned an “I” and will have a short time to bring this grade up to 70% before it becomes an “F”.
Student Grades
Grade are always available for parents to view on Skyward.
You can view
Most current grades
Get the free Skyward app for your phone so you can check anytime/anywhere.
Please make sure your contact information is up to date.
Call the NGC at (318) 988-7500 if you need a login and password.
Classes will be accessed through our online learning system called itslearning.
This is where students will access course information, lessons, and assignments.
Students can also communicate with teachers through the messaging feature.
Water Bottle
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to refill at water fountains and hydration stations.
Attendance will be taken for all students every class period.
Please call the NGC attendance line at (317) 988-7600 to report an absence for your student.
The school calendar is available on the NGC website at
Parent Square
Information about our team, the school, and the school year is communicated through ParentSquare.
It is available as an app for your phone or on the computer.
Call the NGC at (317) 988-7500 if you need a login or have forgotten your login or password.