Wayland Middle School Reads!

Various formats of books -- print, ebook, audiobook are all part of our reading ecosystems. Students are encouraged to pick what works best for them, their learning profile, and their schedule. Nothing compares to the feeling of holding a print book, but digital books offer their own benefits. If your schedules mesh, consider listening to an audiobook -- or a podcast -- as a household.


THANK YOU to the Wayland Public School Foundation for initial funding of WMS’s 2019-2020 membership in the Commonwealth eBook Collection, and for generously providing seed money for additional titles in both FY20 and FY21!
Accessing Sora (WMS) ~ FALL 2020

Access our digital books from the Massachusetts eBook (and Audiobook) Collection.

REMINDER: Use classlink to access Sora

Sora tutorials can be found here, including how adults at home can help students get a digital WPL (Minuteman system) library card, set up a PIN, and connect the Minuteman account to Sora to increase the number of books available.

Book not in Sora? Suggest a Purchase!

Book lists

Our Summer Reading Collection on Sora already contains titles from many lists of summer reading recommendations. Following are additional lists.