What is Immersion?
What is Immersion Education?
As a form of dual language education, school-based immersion programs are intensive, subject-matter-driven language programs that aim for academic achievement, bilingual/biliterate development and increased cultural proficiency. Use of a second language as a medium of instruction is one of several essential characteristics. Dual language/immersion programs target a range of learners, including language majority, language minority, heritage and indigenous learners. Program models vary according to learner audience and include one-way foreign language immersion, two-way bilingual immersion, as well as heritage and indigenous immersion. (From ACTFL Immersion SIG).
The K-5 Spanish Immersion Program in Loker is a 90/10 One-Way Model. The language allocation is:
What the Research says about Immersion By Tara Williams Fortune CARLA -Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition. University of Minnesota.
Top Ten Answers for Parents about Immersion Education The ACIE Newsletter.