Carson Cluster BERT Awards - April 3, 2024

Tyler W. 


"I nominate this person for Trust. Whenever I need someone to support me, in and out of school, I always look to him. When I am worried about something, I can trust he will help me, even with my ranking in Boy Scouts."

Coby S. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging. Once he let me sit with him in class when I didn't have anywhere else to sit. He took the time to explain the jokes going around so I would understand. I appreciated this."

JC L. 


Two people nominate this person for Trust and Belonging. He is dependable for help with homework when it's needed. When someone moved to Wayland, he went out of his way to help this student feel like he belongs by showing kindness and by being respectful. 

Uma I. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging because on the first day of school I remember having zero friends on the bus, but the second she stepped on the bus, she was so friendly. She sat with me and made me feel like I belonged. Fast forward to now and we sit together everyday and we enjoy having English together."

Julia F. 



Multiple student nominate this person for Belonging, Empathy and Trust. She is someone who makes others feel at home and listens to people without judgement. She can distract you from your problems with her sense of humor; she is funny to the point of tears. She is helpful when others need any kind of support. You can trust her with your problems and with Math help.

Sid K. 


"I nominate this person for Empathy. Typically in my Study I struggle to do my homework. Sometimes I am able to figure it out, but other times I need help. This student is always there to help me with my work. No matter how many times I ask for help, he never acts bothered and he doesn't mind helping."

Elijah G.  


"I nominate this person for Belonging and Respect. During Social Studies he always invites me into his group if we're doing a group project. If he sees me feeling down, he'll always ask me what happened and try to make me feel better. He shows respect because he never takes a joke too far."

Owen C. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging. Whenever I see this person, he is always nice to me and he helps me to fit in. He's a good friend. I appreciate him making me feel like I belong."

Sophia G. 

Respect, Belonging, Empathy

Three students nominate this person for Respect, Belonging and Empathy. Whether it's helping out in Spanish class or with Math homework, she makes the work fun. One student shares that she is patient with her help and feels she owes a lot of her success in Math to her. 

Tucker C. 


"I nominate this person for Trust. I appreciate that I can always talk to him and not worry about being judged."

Brennan P. 

Belonging, Respect, Empathy

Three students nominate this person for Belonging, Respect, and Empathy. His kind attitude and inclusive nature help make them feel connected at WMS. The fact he can be trusted as learning partner is also appreciated. He's a fun friend who makes English, Science and even Homeroom more enjoyable.

Floriane S. 


Multiple students nominate this person for all of BERT. She helps everyone feel like they belong. She knows when others are feeling down, and she can quickly put a smile on their face. She is dependable and you can count on her to lend a helping hand or funny joke to make you laugh. Whether at lunch or in Social Studies or Science she listens to everyone without judgement.

Ryan M. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging. I was worried that I did my homework wrong, but this person came over and talked it through with me. I ended up getting the question right which made me feel good."

Ryan K. 


"I nominate this person for Trust. When I was on an extended vacation, I missed a lot of classes and did not know how to do certain assignments. He always answered the phone when I called asking for help, or he helped me in Study when he had his own work to do.He made sure to keep me updated on what I missed at our lunch table so when I came back I understood all the jokes."

Olivia C. 


"I nominate this person for Empathy. Whenever I am feeling upset, angry or frustrated, She always takes time to listen to my description of what happened. She always understands why I feel the way I do and supports me no matter what. She makes me feel listened to and gives me reassurance that what I'm feeling is valid."

Austin D. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging because even when my jokes aren't funny, he still laughs at them anyways. He's easy to talk to in Science, and he keeps me company in homeroom. I appreciate that he's always there when I need him."

Maggie R. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging. She always talks to me before homeroom when my friends are not here yet. She is so fun to talk to and she is really funny."

Yvie M. 


Two people nominate this person for Belonging. One shares about a time they were feeling really left out and down. This person noticed and came over with her group of friends, and now the whole group is really close. Another shares about how much she appreciates this person's open mind and ability to listen. Both agree this person knows how to make boring classes more fun. 

Jonah T-T 


"I nominate this person for Empathy. He always makes sure that when people are left out that he will start to include them in what everyone is doing. I see him as always being understanding and kind."

Justin L.

Respect, Belonging

This person was nominated for Respect and Belonging. One student says, "No matter what I do, he respects my decisions and believes in me." Another shares that when this student was playing a game with his friends, he stopped the game to include him and to explain how to play.

Colby M. 


"I nominate this person for Empathy. In Science, he talks to me about things that make me feel better when I'm not having the best day. He's nice to talk to and understands when I'm down, and he sometimes helps me with homework."

Ben F. 


"I nominate this person for Empathy because when I was feeling sad after I had an awful day, he empathized with me and helped me feel much better. He has a positive attitude about the world, he consistently cares for his peers, and he can make just about anyone's day."

Austin M. 

Empathy, Trust

Two students nominate this person for Empathy and Trust. Both students say that when they need help with their homework, they can count on him to drop what he is doing and to give up his time to help them understand the work and to be better students. 

Brynn A. 


Two students nominate this person for Respect and Trust. "She seems to know when others are happy or sad and she knows how to brighten someone's day." Also, "She knows not to ask questions in front of everyone if someone is down. She's dependable for a good laugh in and out of school."

Ulysse S. 


"I nominate this person for Belonging. When I was sitting alone in Wellness, he came over and invited me to stand with him in the back of the class. This made me feel happy because I was feeling a little lonely and sad."

Shaylee O. 


"I nominate this person for all of the BERT traits. Whether it is drama in the friend group or failing a math test, she is always there to comfort me. She helps me with my Math homework until I understand it. Whether at home or at school, this person helps me belong, she understands my feelings, and has the greatest respect for everyone."

Olivia I. 


"Two students nominate this person for Trust. Both trust her with their secrets and don't worry that she will judge them or make them feel embarrassed. She cares about others feelings and will check up on you to comfort you and to make sure you are ok."

Ted G. 


This student is nominated for Respect and Belonging. One student says this student makes everyone feel happy, and that when anything annoying or bad ever happens, he is always there to help. Another student shares that even though he isn't very good at basketball, this student invited him to play and that made his day.

Liam P. 


"I nominate this person for Empathy. When I can't figure out my Social Studies or English homework, he always offers to help. I appreciate this."

Tommy F. 

Empathy, Belonging, Trust

Multiple students nominate this student for Empathy, Belonging and Trust. He's someone who puts a smile on your face and who makes class fun. One student appreciates that when others steal his hat, this student always helps to get it back. Another student appreciates that he can count on him for keeping him in check whenever he says or does something stupid. 

Theo W. 

Empathy, Belonging

This student is nominated for Empathy and Belonging. One student appreciated that he picked him second for football at recess. Another student shares that this student is always in a good mood and that helps put a smile on others' faces.

Karina G. 


"I nominate this person for Respect. She always helps me with my homework when I need it. However, what I appreciate is she doesn't give me the answers, she helps me understand what I'm doing."

Mia W.


This person is nominated for Empathy and Belonging. One student appreciates that she is always willing to help with homework, even late at night. Another says she is always willing to listen and to help with any problem, and she is the first person I turn to. She is kind and funny, but she also knows when to be serious. 

Jake S. 


"I nominate this person for Empathy. Whenever I feel stuck in Spanish, or I don't know what to do, he is always there to help me."

Claire W. 


Two students nominate this person for Empathy. One says, "When I'm sad or upset, she will listen to my troubles and me find solutions." Another says, "During the musical, when things get stressful, she helped keep everyone calm. She helped reassure me when I doubted myself."

Mika S.


"I nominate this person for Belonging. I was walking alone in the hallway and she noticed, and then she invited me to walk with her and her friends. She always makes me feel welcome in any situation, and she always knows how to make me laugh." 

Carson Cluster BERT Awards - January 31, 2024


Empathy, Respect

"I nominate this person for her continued empathy and kindness. During study, she helps me with math; in other classes, she is exceptionally supportive to all of her classmates. She shows respect by paying attention in homeroom."



"I nominate this person for empathy because she saw me confused about my homework. She was kind enough to offer help which I said "yes" to. She walked me through the assignment so that I began to understand the concept."



"I nominate this person for belonging. She invited me to sit with her when I hesitated to join my old friends at the start of the year. Despite being friends, it deepened our bond, and she helped me connect with her group by actively involving me in conversations through thoughtful questions."



"I nominate this person for respect. He has been a great friend to me for what feels like a decade. Another person nominates this person for empathy, saying, every time he sees someone alone he will go say hi and ask if they're okay."



"I nominate this person for empathy. She is a kind person that has understood and helped me with many things. She always walks to Wellness with me and she is helpful with Math homework."


Respect, Empathy, Trust

"I nominate this person for respect, empathy, and trust. He supports others, and stands up to peers when they are making fun of others. He’s great at New York Times Connections, and he’s always helping others get better at it too."



"I nominate this person because she always demonstrates trust. I have shared information about my family and she understands and cares. She has told me, "everything is going to be ok." She is always there for me and for the rest of her friends."



"I nominate this person for empathy because she knew what it was like to have to tell your parents something that you really didn't want to yet. She helped me come up with a way to talk to them that I was more comfortable with. She also knows what it is like to need someone to talk to. After I had a fight with another friend she was willing to listen to me. She always seems to know how I feel and what I am going through."



"I nominate this person for trust. He consistently supports me during tough times, offering comfort and reassurance. His presence and trustworthiness provide a safe space for me to express my emotions freely, knowing he'll always be there for me."



"I nominate this person for belonging. When I first moved to Wayland, she was nice and welcoming and helped me join right in. She invited me to partner with her and to sit with her friends at lunch, and even included me in conversations."



"I nominate this person for belonging. She always tries to include everyone. When I joined her team I didn't know anyone. She welcomed me and helped me learn. When I'm struggling, she helps me understand the concept. She is always there, is a great friend, and makes everything fun."


Respect, Belonging

"I nominate this person for respect & belonging because she is always willing to help me when I don't understand an assignment I am working on. This shows how nice she is and how she will go out of her way to make me feel like I am part of the class."



"I nominate this person for empathy. She consistently lifts my spirits on tough days, whether it's at swim practice or in homeroom. Her encouragement and motivational words push me to excel when I'm tired and unmotivated. Additionally, her sense of humor brightens my mood instantly, turning a gloomy day into a cheerful one."



"I nominate this person for trust. I can depend on her to help me whenever I need it. When we are in math class or study hall together, she will drop everything to help me, even if she has her own work to do. I can depend on her, which is literally the definition of trust."


Trust, Belonging

"I nominate this person for trust and belonging. She shows understanding and makes me feel like I can tell her anything. Also, she helps me do the Spanish work when I don't understand it. She makes me laugh in Spanish, even when I'm having a bad day."



"I would like to nominate this person for empathy. One day, I missed a class because I was upset. When we went out to break she checked in on me. I talked to her about what was going on and she listened with an open ear. That day has been echoing through my head."



"I nominate this person for respect. He gave me the frisbee during a game so that I could play with my peers."


Trust, Empathy

"I nominate this person for trust and empathy. One time I lost a football and he helped find it. In study, I can trust this person to be a supportive helper. When I have questions about homework, he answers them."



"I nominate this person for belonging because she was quick to help a new student. She helped this student find a friend group by inviting them to eat lunch at her table. She also slays at explaining things about our school so that they can know how to get involved."



"I nominate this person for empathy. Whenever I'm feeling down or left out, she intuitively notices and makes genuine efforts to uplift my spirits through laughter and kindness. Even when I claim to be okay, she senses otherwise and persists until I'm genuinely happy. She's not just a friend; she's my best friend, always."


Respect, Empathy

"I nominate this person for respect and empathy. We can tell each other anything without judgment. He always tries to help others when they are going through something. He notices when others are stressed- whether it's homework, tests or something outside of school - and he always tries to cheer that person up."



"I nominate this person for belonging. He made me feel like I belonged by not shunning me when I tried to talk to him and his friends in homeroom. Now I have someone to talk to each morning and I don't sit alone reading my book anymore."


Belonging, Trust

"I nominate this person for belonging and trust. Every morning, he is the first person to greet me when I walk through the door. He makes me laugh and feel welcomed. I know I can completely trust this person if I need support."


Respect, Empathy

"I nominate this person for respect and empathy. She spoke up on my behalf to allow me to be heard because I am not the loudest person. Also, she stopped what she was doing with her friends to talk to me when I was having a bad day. It made me feel much better to know how much she cares."



"Three people nominate this person for trust. Once in Drama he included someone who was in need of a partner, and they created the perfect script. He’s a great homework buddy who will explain how to do something. He’s also someone who listens and who is willing to always help."



"I nominate this person for empathy. Around her, I can be myself. When I get on the bus, she is the first person I want to see. If I'm feeling unhappy, she cheers me up. Another person says: she is an amazing friend who always listens to me. She puts a smile on my face. In Social Studies everyday, she is kind and supportive."



"I nominate this person for empathy. She is understanding and tries to cheer others up when they are upset. She is very empathetic and kind. She is always willing to share her snack when she sees how hungry I am."



"I nominate this person for empathy. Once I got a bad grade and I was feeling really down. She told me everything would be fine which made me feel better, and I was in a much better mood after talking with her. She is always sweet and there for her friends."



"I nominate this person for trust. In Math, during class or after school, we work on homework and classwork together. If I get stuck, he helps me and I help him when he struggles. He is trustworthy because I can always count on him."