What is GSA, and what will we do?

                                                                                                                            (Cover Image is the Human Rights Campaign logo)

 GSA stands for Genders and Sexualities Alliance. It is a club that any 6th, 7th or 8th grader may join. All are welcome to check it out! 

This club is typically held one day per week. Each grade has its own club advisors.

2023-2024 Advisors:

6th Grade Advisors: Ms. Naughton and Mrs. Harvey

7th Grade Advisors: Mr. Curran, Ms. Summergrad, and Mrs. Reed

8th Grade Advisors: Ms. Williams and Mr. McCormack

Students have best described GSA, and what it has meant to them:

"Being allies to everyone – no matter who they are, who they love, or what they believe!"

"It is about treating everyone equally, however they identify themselves."

"Helping to make a safe and comfortable environment for everyone."

"I like thinking of ways of encouraging others to use better word choices than “That’s so gay...” or other hurtful words."

"It means having a safe place to say what’s on our minds and in our hearts, and to ask questions."

"I have learned a lot about facts vs. opinions - this is important."

"I love when we watch inspirational videos that support the LGBTQ+ community."

"Kindness in Action Week has been my favorite part of GSA. I loved hanging kind notes on students' lockers!"

"It is about equality for all."

What will we do in GSA?

We will meet students where they are at developmentally, socially and emotionally at each grade level. We aim to gauge the needs and hopes of the group, as we set up our weekly plans.

Some examples of activities are:

Watching videos, listening to music, creating artwork, reading articles, raising awareness, sharing stories and experiences, and generally having a fun and safe space to have conversations around LGBTQIA+ topics.