Art at Home


Art for Grades K-5

Dear Wayland Elementary Families,

We hope you are doing well and staying healthy. We hope you had fun making art at home. We loved seeing all of your creative work each week. Have a wonderful summer!


Ms. Brady, Ms. Dempsey, and Mrs. Martinez

Enrichment Activities for the week of June 15th-June 19th

Students are expected to complete one of the following activities:

Art at Home_Week 13.pdf

Submitting Artwork

We love to see what you’re working on!

If you have access to a Google account: Please submit all artwork or photographs of artwork to the Google Folder listed under your school name below.

If you do not have a Google account: Please submit all artwork or photographs of artwork via the email listed under your school name below.

Artwork should have your student's name, class, and grade somewhere in the photograph or in the document title.

Claypit Hill Art



Email your art to:

Brittany Martinez

Instagram: @claypithillart

Facebook: @claypithillart

Happy Hollow Art



Email your art to:

Hannah Brady

Instagram: @artathappyhollow

Loker Art



Email your art to:

Annie Dempsey

Instagram: @loker_art

Dear Wayland Elementary Families,

We hope you are doing well and staying healthy. We miss your student(s) and all of their wonderful art!

As you know, art class is once a week for 45 minutes for grades 1-5, and 30 minutes for kindergarten, so ideally students are completing the work provided in those time frames. The lessons do not need to be completed in one sitting, so if you would prefer to spend a few minutes each day making your art, please do what works best for you. And, of course, you can always make more art! Please check out our Instagram / Facebook pages below for additional ideas and resources.

Below are a variety of choices for art class at home for all ages (even adults!). They are organized by week and each week provides three options: 1) pencil and paper, 2) found objects, and 3) online or printable. The choice is yours! If you don’t have access to a printer, feel free to draw the worksheet (or something like it) instead of printing. If you are running out of paper consider using Google Canvas to create your artwork on.

We also thought you might be interested in learning about the positive effects of art on our brains as discussed in this article. We believe that now more than ever, we NEED art. If you’d like to create some fun art as a family, check out this link for an art game.

Students are expected to submit one piece of art each week either via Google folder or email (see below for more details). Your teacher will provide you with feedback and comment on your work.

Happy art making!


Ms. Brady, Ms. Dempsey, and Mrs. Martinez

Art at Home_Week 12.pdf

Enrichment Activities for the week of June 8th-June 12th

Students are expected to complete one of the following activities:

Enrichment Activities for the week of June 1st-June 5th

Students are expected to complete one of the following activities

Art at Home_Week 11.pdf

Enrichment Activities for the week of May 25th-May 29th

Students are expected to complete one of the following activities:

Art at Home_Week 10.pdf

Enrichment Activities for the week of May 18th-May 22nd

Students are expected to complete one of the following activities:

Art at Home_Week 9.pdf