
Please print and take this form with you to the physical appointment. Parents/guardians will need to be sure to complete page two of the form. To be current the physical exam must be taken after April 1 to be valid for the following two school years.

A parent/guardian who wishes to bring their student home from a co-curricular activity (after riding district transportation to the event) must provide the staff supervising the event a written request (email) to allow the exception.

The form is required if there are extenuating circumstances in which a parent/guardian wishes to transport their student "to AND from" a co-curricular activity (will not be using district transportation) must submit the form linked here and gain administrative approval prior to the event. A form is needed for each individual event with an extenuating circumstance.

No student is allowed to drive on any trip. Prior to the trip, an exception may be made by the Principal on an individual basis provided the student has written parental permission and does not transport any other student.

Where To Get A Physical?

List | Physical Locations