
Waverly Meal Pick-Up

UPDATE: There are 2 more (7-day) Meal Pickup dates scheduled at this time. Monday, March 30, and Monday, April 6.

The only pick-up time for both of these dates is:

11:00 am—1:00 pm

Please make sure that you arrive during those hours.

Once again, pick up is by door 25 on the back of Waverly High School and you are to remain in your cars for the protection of our workers.

Kelly Blake, Superintendent

Food Assistance

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is pleased to announce that an online map has been developed for families to find locations where meals are being provided during this period of school closure. The map can be found at:, and will be updated twice each day during the closure period.

These meals, served under the program called Unanticipated School Closure Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), are available to all children at no cost. Up to two meals per day may be served to all children ages 0-18. This includes students with disabilities ages 18-26 with an active individual education program (IEP).