Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship?

Using technology skillfully and being discerning consumers of information are essential for success. For our Digital Citizenship coursework, we will focus on six components when defining digital citizenship:

  • Media Balance & Well-Being - Students should be able to reflect on their media/device usage, and maintain a healthy balance with other activities.

  • Privacy & Security - Students should know how to stay safe by using effective passwords and be aware of phishing, identity theft, and other online scams.

  • Digital Footprint & Identity - Students should understand how information shared online has long-term effects. They should understand how to build a positive digital footprint?

  • Relationships & Communication -Students should be aware of rules and etiquette when communicating digitally. They should understand what is appropriate (and not appropriate) to share through social media, texting, email, chat, etc.

  • Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech - Students should understand that they have a right to safe and friendly digital communications, as well as a responsibility to report instance that threaten this (i.e. cyberbullying).

  • News & Media Literacy - Students should know how to assess the legitimacy of media and information sources. They should understand how to respect online content ownership by citing sources, abiding by fair use, and avoiding plagiarism.