Science/Social Studies

Things that you could do (the bold are links):


  • Scavenger hunt

  • Nature walk

  • Make slime or Play-Doh

  • Create a paper airplane

      • Use different designs to see what one flies best

  • Create a new animal and habitat

  • Make a marble maze

  • Make a toy car ramp

  • Pick an animal and make a food web or chain

  • Make a small boat or raft using household materials. Test it out in a kiddie pool or tub.

      • Make it a challenge and create a list of things you can use and compete with a sibling

  • Take care of a plant

  • IXL (Science now available. District has a specific login page.)

Social Studies

  • Make a map of your room, house, or neighborhood

  • Ask a parent or grandparent about how their childhood differs and how it is the same as yours

  • List ways you can be a good citizen

  • Create your own kingdom. Create laws and flags.

  • Make a recipe from another culture.

  • Other stuff from Scholastic

  • IXL (Social Studies now available. District has a specific login page.)