
Need to find reliable information about a topic?

Try one of these databases to help you find good sources of information about any topic!

Pebble Go logo

Information database for learners grades K-2.

Pebble Go has its own login information. Use the following to access the resources.

Username: wsdlibrary

Password: pebble

Britannica School for Elementary Logo

Encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games, and interactive learning experiences

Britannica School World Atlas

Interactive World Atlas for elementary students

Worldbook Icon

This complete online encyclopedia offers informational resources and activities for students of all ages.

Pebble Go has its own login information. Use the following to access the resources.

Username: wsdriverview

Password: world logo

Information about health, behavior, and development

Explora Logo

Full - text articles about various topics

Primary Search Logo

Full - text magazines for elementary students