Library Policies

How many books may I check out and how long may I keep them?

The number of books students may check out depends on the grade level.

      • Kindergarten: 1 books (2 books beginning Q2), 1 week checkout
      • Grades 1 and 2: 2 books, 1 week checkout
      • Grade 3: 2 books, 2 week checkout
      • Grades 4 and 5: 3 books, 2 week checkout

May I renew a book if I'm not finished with it?

Students may renew a book for one week. The book must be brought to the library in order to be renewed.

What if I have an overdue book?

If a book is overdue, an overdue notice will be sent home. Books should be returned to the library promptly. If a student has an overdue book, he or she may NOT check out a new book to take home. No fines are generated for overdue books. Books and library items not returned within one month are marked lost and replacement copies must be purchased by the student.

What happens when I can't find my book to return to the library?

If a book is misplaced, it is marked lost and a replacement must be purchased. If the book or library item were to be found, it can always be returned to the library for a refund.

My dog chewed my book. Now it is damaged. What should I do?

If a book is damaged, a replacement must be purchased. The payments may be made in the library or the main office.

Are there other items I can check out of the library?

Yes! Students in grades 3-5 may also check out Playaways and DVDs! Playaways have a 1 week checkout and are considered a Fiction Book. DVDs with a yellow sticker may be checked out for 1 week and are considered a Fiction Book. There is a limit of 1 Playaway or DVD per check out period.