
Practice Expectations

  • Students should be practicing for 20 minutes 4 or 5 days every week. Students should be taking their instruments home on a regular basis. The stage is always left open after school for students to pick up instruments.

  • Practice does not make perfect, it makes PERMANENT.

Practice Tips

  • Set a practice schedule and goal the same way you would for homework, chores, or other activities.

  • Practicing your instrument is like preparing for a marathon - you need to practice frequently to improve rather than trying to cram it all into one or two sessions a week.

  • Have a practice space that is clean and easy to focus. Sit on a chair (not a bed, couch, etc.) and always use a music stand. Posture is still important even though you are not at school.

  • Flute and brass players - spend some time warming up on your headjoint or mouthpiece before putting the whole instrument together. Reed players - make sure your reed is wet. Percussionists - make sure you use the correct grip.

  • 4-Step Practice Process

    • Say the letter name for each note

    • Practice the fingerings/slide positions for each note

    • Sizzle, count, and clap the rhythms

    • Play

  • You are your own best teacher. As you play, listen to the sounds you are making. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Am I performing the correct pitches?

    • Am I performing the correct rhythms and with a steady tempo?

    • Am I using correct posture and hand position?

    • Am I making a pleasant sound?

    • Am I correctly articulating?

          • If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, determine what changes you need to make to change that answer to a “yes!” and make those changes.

  • Once you are comfortable and confident in the exercise, play it 3 times in a row correctly! If you play it incorrectly more times than correctly, you will develop wrong habits.

  • Play multiple songs. Challenge yourself to learn new things.

  • Practice what is assigned for the next class period.

Neglected Instruments