Continuous Growth Plan

The Continuous Growth Plan highlights Watertown’s focus on three specific areas that impact every aspect of district operations–Facilities, Systems and Operations, and Budget and Resources. The continuous improvement process allows the district to define a problem, implement a small change, collect data, analyze and examine the data, determine if the change is an actual improvement, and either scale up the change or try something new/refine their approach based on what was learned from that cycle. This approach highlights Watertown’s belief that improvement is not something that starts and stops, but is something that requires a commitment to an ongoing process of learning, self-reflection, adaptation, and growth.

Watertown's Continuous Growth Plan is focused upon three primary areas: Facilities, Systems & Operations and Budget & Resources and follows the PDSA framework for continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is a process that can support educational stakeholders in implementing and studying small changes with the goal of making lasting improvement. PDSA, or Plan-Do-Study-Act, is an iterative, four-stage problem-solving model used for improving a process or carrying out change.The diagram below highlights the fours stages of the model.

Click below to view the full District Improvement Plan

Watertown District Improvement Plan.pdf