recess, snack and drinks

Your child will have outdoor RECESS each day, weather permitting. An extra sweatshirt or sweater may be kept at school for cooler days. Shoes and sneakers without backs are not allowed on the playground equipment. Students wearing such footwear will need to change their shoes or play off the equipment. (During snowy days, children will need boots, coats, snowpants, hats, and gloves/mittens to be permitted to play.)

Each day, we will have a classroom SNACK. I will assign a day on the monthly calendar for your child. On that day, you are welcome to send in a snack for the class. Please keep in mind that all snacks should be easy to hand out and healthy. Some easy ideas are fruit, crackers, pretzels. Please include anything else needed (forks, plates etc.) I will be sure to make your child the helper on his or her birthday.